Do you know these words connected with fiction, TV and film? They are some of the most important
words to learn in English, and were all added to the Oxford 3000 word list when it was relaunched this year.
Use the words to fill the gaps in the sentences. You may need to change the form of the word. Look up the words in Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries and use the information in the entry to help you.
She writes short stories with a contemporary _____________.
Answer: setting
Mickey Mouse is probably the most famous ________________ character of all.
Answer: cartoon
She designed the _______________ for the play.
Answer: costume
This is an exciting _____________ of action and adventure.
Answer: Tale
The _______________ described the movie as ‘a great family film’.
Answer: critic
I just watched the final _____________ of the series.
Answer: episode
Sherlock Holmes is a famous fictional _______________ who solves crimes by examining all the ___________ and making logical deductions.
Answers: detective, clues
He moved to Hollywood and started writing film ___________.
Answer: scripts
We used to sit around the campfire telling ___________ stories.
Answer: ghost
The book is written in the style of a first-person ______________.
Answer: narrative
How many did you get? Let us know in the comments!
Want more?
Here are 50 more words connected with fiction, film and TV in the Oxford 3000*:
act, action, actor, actress, adapt, adventure, author, book, broadcast, camera, chapter, character, cinema, classic, comedy, describe, description, director, documentary, drama, dramatic, DVD, ending, exciting, film, hero, horror, imaginary, imagination, imagine, movie, mystery, novel, plot, producer, programme, publish, reader, review, romantic, scene, series, show, story, theme, television, TV, video, watch, writer